mennessä Inka Hopsu | kesä 27, 2022 | Puheet
Madam/ Mr president, Thank you to the rapporteur for raising this not so easy matter – the need for social media regulation. Online communication has become an essential part of our everyday lives. Its influence on people’s opinions, actions and behavior is...
mennessä Inka Hopsu | touko 20, 2022 | Puheet
The Mozambican delegation’s visit to the Finnish Parliament: a discussion on the renewal process of the mining law Public opinion in Finland towards mining: Currently, there is a lot of pressure in Finnish civil society for stricter regulation of mining. For a good...
mennessä Inka Hopsu | huhti 28, 2022 | Kirjoituksia
Mr. President, dear colleagues, The consequences of war are endless. Human suffering, destruction, environmental catastrophes, and death. Preventing future wars was the reason for founding this organization more than 70 years ago. Yet here we are. The effects of...
mennessä Inka Hopsu | kesä 24, 2021 | Kirjoituksia
Mr. President, dear colleagues, Let me start by congratulating Ms Gjermeni for this excellent report on “Enhancing participation of women from under-represented groups in political and public decision-making”. I had the honor to participate in her virtual fact-finding...
mennessä Inka Hopsu | kesä 24, 2021 | Kirjoituksia
Mr./Madam President, dear colleagues, I fully agree with Mr. Pisco when he states that diasporas are a widely unused potential when it comes to improving societal structures and practices both in their home countries and countries of origin. This excellent report...